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Your Wellbeing - Things You Can Do To Keep Your Head In Good Shape

by Raj Rana 07 Feb 2021 0 Comments

All progress comes as a result of change. Sometimes this change comes silently, wrapping up one thing at a time, and at other times, this change whirls in like a storming, destroying everything in its path. That said, of course, we all know what this is referring to. 

With terms like “the new normal” it is but natural to think of times where, despite limited resources, people lived in peace and happiness, probably because they did not have much to lose or gain?

We have, however, come a long way with people engulfed in a rat race against themselves. The adrenaline rush boosts us forward – some survive, others burn out.

Having dreams and trying to fulfill them is a part of each one of us, but we need to understand that we cannot let changing times and circumstances affect us. 

It is more important, now than ever before, to make the time for what makes you happy. Spend time with people who make you feel positive, and tough as it sounds, try to take a step back from those pulling down your energy.

Your peace of mind is at top priority, and don’t let anybody tell you any different. 

In case you are someone who needs that gentle nudge towards really believing this, here are 10 ways that we have tried to keep our head in the right place!

  1. Do what you love - give yourself some time off the daily grind and invest in doing what you love. Be it sports, reading, watching movies, trying a new recipe, getting creative or even spending time with your friends or family, just do it!
  2. Disconnect to reconnectThere is something about nature that seems to connect with us at an extremely intrinsic level. Exchange energies with organisms like plants, animals, and birds around you. Take an early morning stroll by yourself and come back completely refreshed.
  3. Start journaling With electronic gadgets commanding our everyday lives, writing down has become a thing of the past. Yet there is scientific evidence in the relationship between your mind and body. Release the thoughts inside through the physical activity of writing, and discover the lightheadedness you feel.
  4. Sort out your day get in a routine. Before you go to bed, try to create a to-do list for the next day. This allows you to start your day with an empty head, ready to take on the day in peace.
  5. Exercise regularly - Yes, this one most annoyingly shows up on every list, but the fact is, everything is interconnected. Exercising your body, opens up your mind as well, and as difficult as it may seem, take it on a one-day-at-a-time basis and see how addictive it really is.
  6. Listen to music - An instant mood-changer, music plays a vital role in controlling and managing your thoughts. Put together a playlist of your favourite songs, or log onto any online music applications like Spotify or Apple Music and have it created for you.

For most of us, our lives are naturally stressful. But don’t let it pile on. Even though you cannot escape it entirely, you can always release it. 

Let us know which ones you tried out, what worked best for you, and if there is anything else that you recommend to keep your mind in place!

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